Random Musings by Kraft

  • random christmas musings

    Five thousand one hundred ninety-nine years from the creation of the world, when in the beginning God created heaven and earth; two thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven years from the deluge; two thousand and fifteen years from the birth of Abraham; one thousand five hundred and ten years from Moses and the going out of…

  • comment spam: what a pain

    After being home a few days, I logged onto my website to try to get something out to post. When the splash screen came up and told me that I had 165 new comments to approve, I knew what kind of post this was going to be. First, for the record, since I upgraded my…

  • Have You Heard God’s Call?

    On Monday evening, while chatting with friends, the question arose of ‘what if you have not heard God’s call in your life?’ First, is God’s calling in our lives necessary? No. We all have received our instruction from God in some way, if nothing else, through the Scripture and Sacred Tradition. Is that comforting and…

  • reflecting on the past

    Reflection of the past is something that we are, as human beings, unique in doing. I think that is something important that many times we can and do ignore if we look at past events and decisions as things that are invariant. I took, and assume misheard, your point as stating that past events always…

  • rejoice! joy is here

    Rejoice! Today is the Third Sunday of Advent. Traditionally, on this day, all of the vestments of the Church turn pink. A bad joke could be said here of a priest who was ill-trained in how to live in the world and mixed his red and white vestments in the wash but we’ll let that…

  • USPS and Automation

    This afternoon, I was preparing to send off a package I have been remissed on taking care of until now. I have had all the materials for the past month. I was waiting on nothing except for me to take it to the post office- which I go to daily to check my mailbox- and…